Linux - NOTE: In all cases you MUST install a 32-bit OS (Either CentOS, Fedora, or Ubuntu)

The Linux build environment documented on this page is based on a basic Fedora Core 15 installation CD. There are CentOS 6- and Ubuntu-specific notes below. It should also be possible to use a previously existing Linux installation, assuming that you have all of the required packages described below. The following section describes how to set up a machine from scratch.

Preparing a System for Build

Install Fedora Core 15 i386 CD or CentOS 6.x or Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64 bit not supported. Note specific platform notes below, and at bottom.)

  1. !* Choose and make note of the root password
    • Create your user (remember the password)
  2. Update the software on the system
    • System->Administration->Update System
      • If you get the following error "Transaction error could not add package update for <distro info>". The work around is typing the following on the command line:
        $su -
        $yum update
  3. Convert your user to a "sudoer"
    • Get a terminal window (Applications->System Tools->Terminal)
    • Type 'su -'  (no quotes)
    • Enter root password
    • Fedora, CentOS
      • visudo
      • add the following line toward the end of the file (assuming your user name was steve)
      • %steve ALL=(ALL) ALL
    • Ubuntu
      • Add user to "sudo" group in /etc/group in 12.04 LTS, or "admin" group in earlier versions, e.g.
  4. Install all the required Linux packages  (CentOS, Fedora. See bottom for Ubuntu).
  5. Check the RI Code out to populate your machine
    • Start in your home directory ('cd ')
    • mkdir CableLabsRI
    • cd CableLabsRI
    • svn co
    • Enter your credentials when prompted, then wait as it checks out the trunk. You now have the majority of the tree for Linux on your machine under /home/<user>/CableLabsRI/trunk
  6. Ensure SELinux is disabled  (CentOS, Fedora. Ubuntu does not install and enable SELinux by default.)
    • Activate menu by selecting System->Administration->SELinux Management
    • Enter root password
    • In Status Tab, set System Default Enforcing Mode to Disable
    • For Fedora 15 and CentOS:
      • sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
        change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled
         :wq (save and quit).
          You have to reboot the system for this to take effect.
  7. Install the Sun 1.6 Java Development Kit (Java SE JDK 6 Update XX)
    • Note: Installation of Sun's JDK is not necessary - the Open JDK has already been installed (and works).
      However, the Open JDK developer tools must be installed (i.e. the full JDK, not just the JRE):
      For CentOS: 
      yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel

      For Ubuntu:
      See full apt-get command at bottom.

    • For Sun JDK:

    • Go to
    • Select latest JDK 6 Download
    • Select Platform: Linux Language: Multi-language, select checkbox accepting the License agreement
    • Select jdk_6uxx-linux-rpm.bin, and "Save File" when prompted
    • in ~/Download, do 'chmod +x jdk-6uxx-linux-i586-rpm.bin' (no quotes)
    • sudo ./jdk-6uxx-linux-i586-rpm.bin
    • Accept the license, and watch the jdk get installed
    • Ignore the registration
  8. Get ant 1.8 or later
  9. Edit your environment to get ready to build
    • Edit .bashrc in your home directory
    • Add the following lines to the end, replacing "steve" with your user name
 # Env variables required for building the OCAP Stack and JVM
 # Notice the use of "forward slashes" in all paths.  This is
 # required for the Cygwin build system.

 # The root of the stack source tree
 export OCAPROOT=~steve/CableLabsRI/trunk/ri/RI_Stack

 # Identifies the host development platform.  See $OCAPROOT/hostconfig
 export OCAPHOST=Linux
 #export OCAPHOST=wxWidgets

 # Stack build target
 export OCAPTC=CableLabs/simulator/Linux/debug

 # Ant and Java Home directories
 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_13
 export ANT_HOME=~/apache-ant-1.8.4

 # Add Java, Ant, and Doxygen  bin directories to the path.  Notice the use of
 # Cygwin drive designations instead of Windows
 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH:~/atelite/bin:

 # Env variables required for building the RI Platform
 # Notice the use of "forward slashes" in all paths.  This is
 # required for the Cygwin build system.

 # The directory root of the RI platform source tree
 export PLATFORMROOT=~steve/CableLabsRI/trunk/ri/RI_Platform
 # Identifies the host development platform.  See $PLATFORMROOT/hostconfig
 export PLATFORMHOST=Linux
 # Platform build target
 export PLATFORMTC=Linux/debug

# For the Manufacturers Enviornement
export MFGROOT=c:/CableLabsRI/Subversion/MfgEnv
export MFGTC=Win32/debug

 export RICOMMONROOT=~steve/CableLabsRI/trunk/common
 export HE4RIROOT=~steve/CableLabsRI/trunk/emu/HeDri/Emulator

Building Everything for the First Time

  1. Build the platform (the support code for the OCAP stack)
    • Start a new terminal session to pick up the environment changes you just made
    • make clean purge build
  2. Build the OCAP stack (the Java VM and support libraries)
    • cd $OCAPROOT
    • ant clean
    • ant purge (this may fail due to a bug in the build script for now - ignore)
    • ant build
    • This should build the stack - Yahoo! Wait for complete with no errors
    • From this point forward, 'ant purge' should work, so you can do a super-clean build using 'ant clean purge build'

Subsequent Builds

  1. Building the platform (assuming you did not change the support libraries)
    • From $PLATFORMROOT do 'build source'

Required Linux Packages

You should first install all of the recommended additional packages that the Fedora system manager directs you to.

The following packages must be installed on your Linux system prior to building the RI Platform and Stack. You can download and install packages directly from Fedora. Click on System > Administration > Add/Remove Software. Sometimes you will need to look for older packages (e.g. Subversion 1.4). For those packages the Fedora Package Database can prove to be a valuable resource.

Package Name


Known Working Version



GNU Compiler Collection


Installing this package will also install a lot of other packages such as binutils, glibc, etc


C++ support for GCC


Installing this package will also install libstdc++-devel



GNU Build Tool




Mulit-lingual message library




Utility for modifying/upgrading files




Parser generator




Tool for creating scanners




Library of Optimized Inner Loops


May already be installed


Development files for liboil




ZLib compression/decompression library


May already be installed


Headers and libs for zlib development




Library providing XML and HTML support


May already be installed


Libraries for developing XML/HTML apps




Documentation generator for C/C++



X11 development package


Installing this package will install several other X11 development packages (including Mesa libGL)


X11 libXext runtime library


May already be installed


X11 libXext development package




Mesa libGLU development package




Accessibility support


May already be installed


ATK development libs


Installing this package will install several other packages


Layout for internationalized text




Development libs for pango




Graphics library




Development libs for cairo




JPEG libs




JPEG development libs




TIFF libs




TIFF development libs




Lots of good man pages for Linux


Obviously, this is optional, but it installs man pages for glibc functions which are always helpful


Telnet libraries for perl


Required for ATE Emulator


SHA1 libraries for perl


Required for ATE Emulator


Linux package configuration utility



Ant make tool


Required to build the OCAP stack


Ant support libraries for dependency checking


Required to build the OCAP stack


Media Streamer/Player


Used by the RI Platform to play MPEG-2 transport streams from file

Add your user group to sudoers file

*(Fedora/CentOS-only) In order to run ATE tests, the RI Platform must be able to connect to certain network ports that are only available to processes running as root. To facilitate this, we have modified the startup script to always execute the RI process as root. On Linux systems, non-root users must add their user group to a list of groups that are allowed to gain root privileges. The list of these groups is found in the /etc/sudoers file. Edit this file and add your user group to one of the two sections

## Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on
## which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple
## systems).
## Syntax:
## The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it.
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root    ALL=(ALL)   ALL

## Allows members of the 'sys' group to run networking, software,
## service management apps and more.

## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel    ALL=(ALL)   ALL                                ---------------->      Add your group using this syntax if you want
                                                                                  to be required to enter a password each time
## Same thing without a password
# %wheel    ALL=(ALL)   NOPASSWD: ALL
%myusergroup  ALL=(ALL)   NOPASSWD: ALL        --------------->      Add your group using this syntax if you DO not
                                                                    want to be required to enter a password each time
## Allows members of the users group to mount and unmount the
## cdrom as root
# %users  ALL=/sbin/mount /mnt/cdrom, /sbin/umount /mnt/cdrom

Selecting a User Interface Target

On the Linux platform, there are currently two user interface targets:

  • Native libX11 Windows
  • wxWidgets Windows (default)

To build the native X11 Windows UI target, uncomment the line


in the target/Linux/debug/ file. To build for the cross-platform wxWidgets UI target, uncomment the line

UI_TARGET = wxWidgets

in the target/Linux/debug/ file. Make sure that the target you are NOT interested in is also commented out.

Ubuntu Specific Notes

Ubuntu 10.04.01 LTS, 10.10, the following command will install all prerequisite packages.

sudo apt-get install gcc make gettext patch bison flex liboil0.3 liboil0.3-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev doxygen libX11-dev libxext6 libxext-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libatk1.0-0 libatk1.0-dev libpango1.0-common libpango1.0-dev libcairo2 libcairo2-dev libtiff4 libtiff4-dev manpages libnet-telnet-perl libdigest-sha1-perl subversion ant1.8 libjdepend-java openjdk-6-jdk vlc


Ubuntu 11.04, 11.10 the following command will install all prerequisite packages.

sudo apt-get install gcc make gettext patch bison flex liboil0.3 liboil0.3-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev doxygen libX11-dev libxext6 libxext-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libatk1.0-0 libatk1.0-dev libpango* libcairo2 libcairo2-dev libtiff4 libtiff4-dev manpages libnet-telnet-perl libdigest-sha1-perl subversion ant libjdepend-java openjdk-6-jdk vlc xsltproc

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS prerequisite packages

sudo apt-get install gcc make gettext patch bison flex liboil0.3 liboil0.3-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev doxygen libX11-dev libxext6 libxext-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libatk1.0-0 libatk1.0-dev libpango* libcairo2 libcairo2-dev libtiff4 libtiff4-dev manpages libnet-telnet-perl libdigest-sha-perl subversion ant libjdepend-java openjdk-6-jdk vlc xsltproc

fix renaming issue

sudo cpan Digest::SHA1

If you do a fresh install of 12.04 (as opposed to an upgrade from 11.x) and need build CTP test streams run:

sudo cpan HTTP::Request
sudo cpan


All Ubuntu

Add these lines to ~/.bashrc:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
export PATH=$PATH:~/atelite/bin

export ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant


export ANT_HOME=~/apache-ant-1.8.4

If you have scripts or other that use /bin/sh, configure to use bash instead of dash:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

...and answer No


  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. After setting up environments for both Win32-Cygwin and Ubuntu Linux, I am listing a few observations as well as the exact steps I finally ended up taking.  Thanks a lot to Mark, Chris and Nishant for helping me through all of my environment issues!

    1. RI platform build ($PLATFORMROOT) does not work on Ubuntu 11.10 due to some missing OpenGL libraries.  I changed to 11.4 and had no further issues.
    2. Instead of checking out the entire OCAPRI/trunk repository, use the following commands.  These operations will make the SVN checkouts much quicker and environment variable setup much easier.  Should any builds fail, the svn checkout may have missed copying over some files so you may need to do an "svn update".
            • RI build
            • svn co -N
            • cd OCAPRI
            • ./ trunk (checks out necessary svn directories and creates the "setEnv" script
            • cd trunk
            • . ./setEnv (creates necessary shell environment variables)
            • cd $PLATFORMROOT
            • make clean purge build
            • OCAP Stack Build
            • ensure JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME are set.  This may be potentially avoided if the executables "javac" and "ant" are located within your shell's path.
            • cd $OCAPROOT
            • ant clean purge build
    3. Test to ensure your RI has been installed correctly by running a tuner test which should stream a video of a baby.
      • cd $PLATFORMROOT
      • ./ -tunetest -setup
    4. After building from source, you should be able to start the RI for use against a locally running ATE daemon via the command "./ -ate -setup" (note: the binary distribution of the RI will not work properly with the ATE).

    Regarding OS setup, do not forget to retrieve all the necessary libraries for the platform of your choice.  Should one be omitted, you could have a build failure that may not overtly spelled out by the build logs.