Once you have compiled the parts of the RI (Platform, Stack), you are ready to run! See this page for more information on building the various components.  Below are details on default configurations and instructions on setting alternate configurations.

Tuners and Carrier Frequencies

Tuner Type and Number of Tuners

The number of tuners and the tuner type for the RI are specified in the platform.cfg file located in $PLATFORMROOT.  The default configuration specifies one tuner.  For Windows the default tuner type is VLC and for Linux the default tuner type is GST.  

For details on tuner support and modifying tuner support settings please see Tuner Support Configuration.

Running with the HDHomerun Tuner Type

In its default configuration the RI will run with VLC (Windows) or GST (Linux) tuner types which utilize canned video streams.  In cases where a live stream is available, the RI can be configured to stream the live feed using the HDHomeRun TV tuner.

For instructions on configuring the RI to run with the HD HomeRun please see HDHomeRun Setup.

RI Platform Configuration

The RI Platform configurations are found in the platform.cfg file located in $PLATFORMROOT.  Platform settings, in addition to tuner settings mentioned above,  are explained and defined in this file. 

RI Platform Logging Configuration

The RI Platform uses log4c for logging. You can edit the log4crc file located in $PLATFORMROOT to adjust the logging settings.

<appender name="$(PLATFORMROOT)/RILog.txt" type="stream_env_append_plus_stdout" layout="dated" />

creates logs that look like: 20090310 16:30:05.455 DEBUG RI.Stack- 56594 pool-4 INFO application.Application$State - appid=56789abc6101 ~AUTO_PARTIALLY_LOADED->LOADED success

For additional information on Platform logging, as well as Stack logging funneled through the log4c system, please see RI PC Platform Logging.

Supported Extensions and Configurations

The RI currently implements the following OCAP extensions:

  • DVR
  • Home Networking
  • Front Panel
  • Device Settings

You can enable or disable the inclusion of various extensions by modifying the extension settings in $OCAPROOT/target/$OCAPTC/buildrules.properties.  In its default state the RI is configured for all the OCAP extensions.

For information on supported extension configurations and instructions for setting extension configurations please see Extension-Based Build Configuration.


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