
This page addresses the general steps for configuring and manually running a QA xlet to test basic functionality and to verify that the RI is installed and running correctly.

The complete set of QA Apps, a.k.a. the Integration Xlets, can be found in $OCAPROOT/apps/qa/org/cablelabs/xlet.  Most xlets directories contain a readme file with specific configuration instructions for executing that xlet.  In the case of xlets used for release testing the most up-to-date instructions can be found in $OCAPROOT/apps/qa/docs/IntegrationTestInfo.doc.  For all other xlets consult the test-specific readme file.

General Instructions

Configuration Parameters

To run the QA Integration Xlets a number of files must be modified.  Below are the files typically used for running xlets.  In some cases additional configuration changes, specified in the test-specific instructions, will need to be made.


hostapp.properties is located in $OCAPROOT/bin/$OCAPTC/env and is responsible for telling the stack which xlet to start.  To run a specific xlet, copy the hostapp.properties from the xlet directory to $OCAPROOT/bin/$OCAPTC/env, overwriting the existing hostapp.properties.  For example, for the TuneTest xlet:

>cp $OCAPROOT/apps/qa/org/cablelabs/xlet/TuneTest/hostapp.properties.tune $OCAPROOT/bin/$OCAPTC/env/hostapp.properties

Note: For some xlets no hostapp.properties will be used.  In these cases the instructions in IntegrationTestInfo.doc or the readme file will specify removing the hostapp.properties files.


final.properties is located in $OCAPROOT/bin/$OCAPTC/env and should be created, if it doesn't exist, or edited to include:



For tests which require tuning to specific channels typically a test-specific config.properties is required.  In cases such as these you will need to copy the config.properties from the xlet directory to $RICOMMONROOT/resources/tunedata/config.properties, overwriting the existing config.properties.  For example, for the TuneTest xlet:

>cp $OCAPROOT/apps/qa/org/cablelabs/xlet/TuneTest/config.properties.tune $RICOMMONROOT/resources/tunedata/config.properties

Starting an Xlet

For some xlets such as RiExerciser and TuneTest configuration can be done automatically using the -setup command.  For these xlets, the configuration and starting of the app is accomplished as follows:

> ./runRI.sh -setup -xlet RiExerciser
> ./runRI.sh -tunetest -setup

Alternately, to configure and run a xlet manually, you must configure as described in the previous section and then start the RI.

> ./runRI.sh

For additional info on running xlets see: