RI Goals

What are the requirements for the OCAP RI?

The current OCAP RI requirements are:

Is the PC-based RI an OCAP RI, or an OpenCable Host RI?

The answer is, “Both, when it makes sense.” Our general approach to meeting OpenCable Host requirements in the RI is as follows.

For a summary of Host functionality that has been implemented in the RI PC Platform, see https://community.cablelabs.com/svn/OCAPRI/support_files/opensource_documents/Project%20Documentation/RI%20Feature%20Support.xls.

RI Development Environment

How do I set up a Windows/XP RI build environment?

See Quick Start.

What is the difference between a tag and a branch in the RI source code repository?

SubVersion does not distinguish functionally between a tag and a branch. Both constructs involve a copy of a file tree. The rules for using one vs the other are:

RI Test Environment


How do I debug MPE and JNI code using Eclipse?

For debugging platform code (C) : Eclipse Platform Configuration.
For debugging stack code (Java): Configuring Eclipse for OCAP stack debugging.
See Debugging MPE and JNI code using Eclipse.

How can I view thread dumps and monitor information for the Java stack?

Stack trace and thread dumps can be generated via jdb - Generating Java thread dumps and monitor information.

Is there a way to automate key events?

The RI PC Platform implementation provides a mechanism for receiving key events via telnet. This mechanism allows key events to be inserted into the event queues as if the keys were generated from an actual remote. For more information concerning this feature, please read Automating Key Events.

PC Emulator Platform

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