The following links will help you set up your environment for compiling the various components of the CableLabs OpenCable Reference Implementation

To date, only the following build environments are supported:

Environment Variables

The RI Stack and RI Platform require several environment variables be set for proper compilation and execution.

RI Stack Variables

Environment Variable



Root directory of the stack


Target configuration directory


Host environment identifier.
You will find host-specific build settings
in $OCAPROOT/hostconfig/$OCAPHOST


Location of a Java 1.4 or higher Java
Development Kit (JDK) installation.


Location of Ant 1.6 or higher installation

RI Platform Variables

Environment Variable



Root directory of the platform source


Target configuration directory


Host environment identifier.
You will find host-specific build settings

RI Platform Target Configurations

The Reference Implemenation Platform (RI Platform) is a set-top box emulator that is the primary target for the Reference Implementation OCAP Stack. The RI Platform can be compiled to run on any number of operating systems. Currently the following targets are supported:

OCAP Stack Target Configurations

The Reference Implementation OCAP Stack can be compiled to run on any number of target platforms and in either debug or release mode. The target-specific build files for the RI Stack are located in $OCAPROOT/target. From there, the OCAPTC environment variable describes the location of the build files. The OCAPTC environment variable is formatted like this:

<organization>/<target platform>/<target OS>/<debug|release>

Currently, the project supports the following targets: