
Current 3D support in the Reference Implementation includes the ability for applications to use org.ocap.media.VideoFormatControl to query the S3DConfiguration and register a VideoFormatListener that will be notified of changes in 3D video format.

The Reference Implementation also provides the ability to simulate both supported and unsupported format changes.  Unsupported format changes result in transitions to presenting alternative content and the posting of an AlternativeContentErrorEvent to ServiceContextListeners, as well as a notification of the specific format change to registered VideoFormatListeners.

The implementation supports three parameters variables which describe the format of the 3D video stream.  This information is normally acquired from an MPEG table in the stream.  On set top boxes this information is configured and 3D rendering is done at the platform level.

The initial 3D format settings are specified in $PLATFORMROOT/platform.cfg.  Example settings:

RI.Platform.3dtv.payload=01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E



Format Type




3D (side by side)


3d (top and bottom)

Payload type:


Payload type





Simulating format changes

Configuring logging and starting Tune Test

On-screen status messages

At run time you can see the current testings by running the integration test named TuneTest.% cd $PLATFORMROOT
% ./runRI.sh -deletestorage -setup -tunetest

After the emulator starts press the MUTE button on the remote control. In the top left corner of the simulator TV screen you should see the current settings.

Log messages

Change logging settings to display logging messages in the simulator's console area.  Edit the file $PLATFORMROOT/log4crc

to include the line <category name="RI.Stack.StdOut" appender="socket" />

and all System.out.println() messages are shown on the emulator.

For more information on RI logging capabilities,see:  RI PC Platform Logging - Controlling and Understanding RI Logging Messages.

Simulating format changes

Format changes are simulated using the Platform's telnet interface support.  See Telnet Test Interface.