The QA Integration Xlets are the tests that cover the major scenarios and major functionality of OCAP. Whereas the CTP tests are focused on atomic functionality, these tests demonstrate how the modules work together.  The complete set of integration xlets can be found in $OCAPROOT/apps/qa/org/cablelabs/xlet.  The xlets can be run manually and in some cases they can also be run as part of the automated AutoXlet test framework.  Detailed information on the "AutoXlet" test framework can be found here.  

Integration Xlet Testing for OCAP-RI Releases

A subset of the Integration Xlets are run against each release of the OCAP-RI.  Instructions for executing these xlets can be found in $OCAPROOT/apps/qa/docs/IntegrationTestInfo.doc.  All of the test applications listed here have a corresponding readme.txt file.  The readme.txt files are fairly up-to-date.  However, if there is a discrepancy, please use the information provided in the IntegrationTestInfo document as it is the most current.  

Manual Xlet Tests

Below is the set of test xlets which are run manually. 

Automated Xlet Tests

Below is the set of test xlets which are executed as part of the AutoXlet test suite.  

Please note that many of the remaining xlets which are not run as part of the release testing have not been run in a very long time and may need to be updated before they will run successfully.