Subtitle: How to use the SDK Channel Map Editor

This page may be obsolete. It does not work with the final versions of the SDK and RI.


There has been some confusion about how to use the SDK Channel Map editor, and, in particular, how to test/validate that it works correctly. This wiki entry hopes to clear up the confusion and provide detailed information on using Tunetest to test/validate the channel map editor.


Create/Import Tunetest
There are multiple ways to create and populate a "tunetest" project. I'll describe one based on importing from a checked out version of the RI.

At this point, TuneTestXlet should compile (the only class that doesn't is org.cablelabs.test.autoxlet.XletDriver - if it bothers you, delete it. We don't need if for this exercise...)

Modify <workspace_root>/Tunetest/bin/  Uncomment out the line "use_javatv_channel_map=true", to make sure the default SDK channel map is used.

After making the above changes if you launch/debug the RI it will appear that a single channel is available. In reality, There are 10 different channels defined in the default channel map (based on source ID). The default channel map configuration maps all 10 channels to the same mpeg file (the "product default background video").

Using the SDK (and information contained in we will create a non-default channel map and demonstrate inclusion/exclusion of channels.

Here, it may be informative to understand the files involved:

To duplicate the results found in a "standard" Tunetest (5 channels) create a channel map with the following:

Now, when you launch TuneTest, you will get all 5 channels. If you change the channel map (order or inclusion) the set of available channels will change - restarting tunetest each time, of course.